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Nov 20th 2020
Ethiopia's Civil War: A Geo-Political War

1/5 For the U.S.:
"U.S. policy, under Trump, has been to give free rein to its key allies in the region—Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE"...including lifting sanctions against vicious Dictatorial regime in Eritrea.
2/5 For Egypt:
"Ethiopia in turmoil is something they desired. A strong Ethiopia challenges Egypt’s control over the Nile Waters and its agenda for influence in the region."
3/5 For the UAE:
"a weakened Ethiopia as a commercial-military dependent would fit in with its overall designs on the region."

#USDefundEthiopia #EUDefundEthiopia @antonioguterres @EUinEthiopia
@SenateGOP @StateDept
@JosepBorrellF @USEmbassyAddis
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