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Jun 20th 2021
Frustrating to hear @LeoVaradkar say that much of the concern re ownership and governance of #NationalMaternityHospital is ideological in nature.

It simply isn’t. The are serious human rights concerns arising from possible religious control of the hospital #MakeNMHOurs
Access without discrimination to a full range of reproductive health services is not an ideological issue, it is a human rights issue. The Government he is part of, and the one he previously led, have legally binding human rights obligations in that regard. #MakeNMHOurs
Despite all the concerns raised over many years no clarity has been given on question of ownership and control of this hospital

We wrote to @SimonHarrisTD in May 2017 flagging serious concerns about how Vatican could legally take control of all assets owned by Sisters of Charity Image
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May 8th 2020
Min for Health has to stop portraying today's announcement by Sisters of Charity on #NationalMaternityHospital as a gift to the people of Ireland. It's disingenuous. @RoisinShortall @OurMatHosp @IvanYatesNT
The site for #NHM obviously must be in public ownership before state spends €500m on new badly needed hospital. Makes no sense to hand that over to site that is privately owned @RoisinShortall
We also need to be certain that the #NationalMaternityHospital that will serve people for generations to come will be fully independent. It cannot be based on the Mulvey report which puts the #NHM under the control of St. Vincents Hospital @RoisinShortall
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May 8th 2020
Our co-leader @RoisinShortall will join @IvanYatesNT in next few mins to discuss the #NMH #NationalMaternityHospital story
‘The way this has been presented by both the Sisters of Charity AND the Minister has been very misleading. The lands are NOT being ‘gifted’ to the State. They are being transferred to a charitable organisation that is not required to publish accounts/info etc.
If we’re investing up to €500million it must be in public ownership. It also needs an independent governance structure -the Mulvey report put that control under religious orders & that’s not acceptable.’ -@RoisinShortall #NMH
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