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🔥Hemodialysis Kinetics 101🔥
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Q: What are the determinants of Blood Flow (Qb) in IHD?

#Tweetorial #Nephtwitter #Medtwitter @NSMCInternship
@SaynaNorouzi thank you for your help, you're a rock star
1/ We're going to focus on factors related to Qb

🩸Qb is an active player in hemodialysis dose prescription. If we want to optimize dosing, we must know how Qb works in KT/V equation:

💺K =Dialyzer Clearance (ml/min)
🕒T = Time (min)
🧍‍♂️V = Distribution vol of Urea(ml)
2/ How do we get the Dialyzer Clearance (K)?
First, we need KoA

KoA is the maximum theoretical clearance of the dia­lyzer in mL/min for a given solute (urea) at INFINITE Qb and Qd

Provided by the manufacturer, is determined in vitro, and usually overestimates by about 20%
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