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Nov 25th 2020
Within days of Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC first being elected as an MP, Blairites were already manoeuvring him into position as Labour leader, backing him as a candidate in the 2015 leadership election.
#StarmerOut #ResignStarmer #NeverStarmer Image
Starmer was first elected as an MP on 7th May 2015.
Narice Bernard (director of Goldsafe Limited) conceived the keirforleader campaign on May 8th. He said, “I just have a belief that he wants the job but isn’t prepared to say so.”…
By the 15th there was a Facebook group,
a Twitterstorm, and support from Guardian churnalists Polly Toynbee and Simon Hattenstone, as well as Baron Paul Myners CBE.…
Read 8 tweets

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