Within days of Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC first being elected as an MP, Blairites were already manoeuvring him into position as Labour leader, backing him as a candidate in the 2015 leadership election. #StarmerOut#ResignStarmer#NeverStarmer
Starmer was first elected as an MP on 7th May 2015.
Narice Bernard (director of Goldsafe Limited) conceived the keirforleader campaign on May 8th. He said, “I just have a belief that he wants the job but isn’t prepared to say so.” thejusticegap.com/cometh-the-hou…
By the 15th there was a Facebook group,
a Twitterstorm, and support from Guardian churnalists Polly Toynbee and Simon Hattenstone, as well as Baron Paul Myners CBE. dumptheguardian.com/politics/2015/…
By the 17th Starmer had ruled himself out, saying he was flattered but lacked experience.
But who is Lord Myners? dumptheguardian.com/law/2015/may/1…
After funding Gordon Brown’s leadership campaign, Myners was appointed Financial Services Secretary/City Minister in Brown's cabinet.
Before that he was chairman of the Guardian Media Group & some of Britain's largest companies and hedge-funds. independent.co.uk/news/people/pr…
Myners masterminded the £500bn bankers bailout of 2008, was at the centre of controversy concerning the amount of pension paid to Fred Goodwin in 2009, and in 2010 demanded the Tories implement austerity measures. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Myne…
In 2016 Myners became Vice Chairman of Global Counsel, a controversial public policy consultancy founded by Benjamin Wegg-Prosser (Tony Blair's Director of Strategic Communications) and Peter Mandelson. ft.com/content/57f8a2…