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Sep 11th 2020
When Women say "I AM FINE" when they are not fine what else could it mean?🤣
This is night talk FAM, but why do we always do this😪 I am guilty o
A friend once told me how he was just laughing with his sister, in seconds her mood changed and he was asking Sis are you okay? What happened, she kept saying I am fine, I am fine but why are you cold? Nothing😶
Read 10 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Dear Parents,
Wearing your little girls sexy dresses will not teach them decency when they grow up, treating your wife with no respect will teach your little boys how to disrespect women when they grow up!
Can we talk about this tonight, do you think the way children are raised could be the cause of indecency and mannerless in the society?
How can you wear your little girls short tight dresses, exposing their laps and chests and expect them to grow into modest, godly ladies?
Read 11 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
How many people take Vitamin C tablets as prescribed by the doctor?

Should we talk about this😂
Can we talk about this or is it too late😂

I am used to taking packs of vitamin C even when the doctor already prescribed a certain number but I just keep going back to take more.
Who is like me, is this not drug abuse ni😅 who is a doctor here, come and tell us how to take vitamin C, what are the effects I just browsed it but I want to hear what we think.
Read 6 tweets

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