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Jul 24th 2018
Bo and Bella, the two young female chimpanzees we rescued from Guinea Bissau in April, finally made physical contact for the first time this morning. For the past three months, the two have been living separately in quarantine 1/3
but after they were given a clean bill of health, our team allowed them to meet each other this morning. Minutes after their introduction, they were jumping playfully and chasing one another as if they have known each other for years. 2/3
Thank you to everyone who showed support to Bo and Bella during this incredible journey. We shall post more updates in the coming days. 3/3

#BoAndBella #WorthMoreAlive #EndBushmeat #chimpanzees #GreatApes #OlPejeta #conservation
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Apr 9th 2018
Last month, we held a 3 day first aid training (International Life Saver) for 26 employees drawn from our various departments. The training, facilitated by St. John’s Ambulance, was aimed at ensuring that in case of any medical emergency, 1/3
members of staff have the requisite first aid skills that can be administered to preserve life. The trained members of staff will in turn share their newly acquired knowledge with other employees to ensure as many as possible have first aid skills. 2/3
The first aid training is an annual exercise that we undertake in line with the Kenya’s Occupational Health and Safety Act 2007. 3/3
#OlPejeta #StaffWelfare
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