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I am going to take my own advice and do somethinking outload on the twitters, so here is a thread on one of the things we (@ODILeeds ) did in 2020 which was to amplify and expand our #OpenDataSavesLives work 1/n
#opendatasaveslives came about after we started to make sense of our 1st #Northernlands conference with @NLinUK…
and the speakers, met us and our sponsors which in 2019 included @NHSX & @NHSDigital
my old friend @marcwfarr came and spoke, and kicked off conversations on how to be radical in Health & Data and how the ambition and model of @ODILeeds could do great things in Health - we had deliberately steered clear before because it takes soooo long to get anything done :)
Read 22 tweets
Regional France COVID-19 : Daily grocery & workplace mobility + hospitalisations and deaths since 2020-04-30.
Régional France COVID-19 : Mobilité quotidienne au travail et à l'épicerie + hospitalisations et décès depuis 2020-04-30
#OpenDataSavesLives @google
Regional France COVID-19 : Cumulative deaths and doubling-times since 2020-04-30.
Régional France COVID-19 : Nombre cumulé de décès et temps de doublement depuis 2020-04-30
Regional France COVID-19 : cumulative update of infection status since 2020-04-30.
Régional France COVID-19 : mise à jour cumulative du statut de l'infection depuis 2020-04-30.
Read 4 tweets

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