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Jun 14th 2018
Just as every dictator has ever done, 45 has placed a huge photo of himself inside one of the internment camps for babies.
With a sick logo stating "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war"
Which is translated as, he lost the battle to build the wall
but has found a new better way to keeps immigrants out - Just rip their babies out of their arms and thrown them in separate internment camps so they won't ask our refuge from terror at home, just make the terrorism worse here than it was at home.
Which side are you on?
There are only 2 sides now,no more pro-trump/anti- trump
it is now
Inhumanity vs Humanity
If you choose the Humanity side,please help us help them, join us at #OperationSaveTheChildren
Step up,be a representative for your state
Read 5 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
Okay I am officially starting #OperationSaveTheChildren
The goal to reunite the children and have them freed from the internment camps. (I will not prettify them, this is what they are)
Time is of the essence and we must be super organised.
For this reason I am using my own blog as a touchstone
I need a lot of volunteers
What we need is one volunteer from each state to take their own state.
I am taking Florida.
It is best to do this in open tweets to gain strength and momentum
I need any and all suggestions from everyone.
Off the top of my head this is what I came up with.
1. No plans to reunite the children, we need someone to find out it there are lists of the children and their corresponding parents.
2. We need a lot of people to work on
Read 11 tweets

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