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Jan 27th 2020
The dizzying spate of “Anti-Poor Policies” by Government of Lagos @followlasg is quite worrying.

What’s going on?

You don’t tackle poverty by hiding away your Poor.

You confront Poverty by targeting your Poor with Policies and Investments that raise their Productivity. Stop!
Displacing the poor in the violent manner seen in #OtodoGbame and lately #TarkwaBay is blatantly terrible Policy.

What Lagos needs is Slum Upgrade, not Gentrification in which the poor gets evicted for the benefit of the wealthy.
This wrong Policy tool is becoming too rampant.
Even if the economics of land use in Urban Development argues in favor of high-end occupiers, the fact that your low-income citizens already occupy it means you need a very deliberative process for moving them with packages of incentives. Key one is to produce Affordable Housing.
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