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Apr 16th 2022
Now that I've had some distance from the analysis of #PIPEDREAM, I've been thinking a lot about knowledge gain, across #CRASHOVERRIDE, #TRISIS, and PIPEDREAM. Here's a quick summary of how I'm seeing the advancement of knowledge by adversaries seeking to impact ICS. (1/13)
2016, #CRASHOVERRIDE impacts a substation in UKRAINE. The toolkit encompassed 4 protocols: IEC101, IEC 104, 61850/MMS, and OPC-DA, capable of targeting breakers and switchgear that use those protocols, along with a custom DOS utility targeting a Siemens SIPROTEC relay. (2/13)
#CRASHOVERRIDE demonstrated a breadth of protocol knowledge with a lack of depth. (Aside: I only analyzed the 61850, and OPC modules along with the Siprotec stuff). These modules were sloppily put together. (3/13)
Read 14 tweets
Apr 13th 2022
CEO Robert M. Lee of Dragos he has, says he high confidence the malware was developed by a state actor and was configured to initially target liquified natural gas and electric power sites in N. America.

#Pipedream #Chernovite…
Chernovite AG developed Pipedream malware targets industrial control sites systems.…
🧵⬆️ @BS2KZ @ByronFackenthal @SpicyNoodles2 @JayVanOrman @Pepe__J @TheRand2025 @textranquilo @Tex_968 @vinnieoftexas_ and all my other techy and O&G buds ... sometimes mutually exclusive!
Read 6 tweets

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