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Sep 5th 2021
Now that @fordnation has prorogued the Ontario Legislature, let's review their record of health legislation to date:

▪️a bill that shields for-profit #LTC chain corporations from liability for their negligence in the pandemic
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▪️a bill to dismantle all public governance of home care, hand it over to the provider co's (the majority of which are for-profit) & privatize all remaining public home care in Ontario.

(This was @fordnation & @ChrisElliottMPP's priority as the 2nd wave was coming) 2/4
▪️a bill to dismantle the public governance of health care in every region of Ontario & hand it over to provider companies (for- & non- profit) to run w/out public governance. The bill also gives extraordinary powers to the Minister & government to privatize & restructure.
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May 27th 2020
The report summarizing the @CanadianForces' observations of #longtermcare in Ontario has generated an outcry for a #PublicInquiryNow. While we fully agree that change is needed to optimize #seniorscare, a lot is already known about what needs to be changed and how to do it. 1/8
We should work together to cumulate lessons learned and apply effective interventions to promote #evidenceinformed #personcentred #seniorscare rather than start from scratch. In that vein, we are sharing our research findings and tested programs. #LTC @ONhealth @ONgov 2/8
The skills needed to lead high quality teams and organizations that support a positive culture of aging and person-centred care in #longtermcare can be developed through continuing education. @ConestogaCE @SchlegelUW_RIA… 3/8
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