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Sep 10th 2022
Here's my strategy for maximizing the return of my Platypus.Finance investment #PTPInvestmentStrategy I have approx. 20k PTP, which already accumulated 600k vePTP. Till now I focus primarily on accumulating PTP, as in my view the asset is extremely undervalued.
2/ First focus on getting as much vePTP as possible. Although not tradable this asset gives you the power to capture bribes. Bribes give you APY of 20-50%, depending on how long you accumulate it. You need to stake for 10 months your PTP to get the maximum 100X amount of vePTP.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
since @Platypusdefi announces rewards for #PTPVotingGaugeAnalysis as a #PTParty thing, let's start with my earlier turkish we all know, we were able to stake $PTP on hand to earn non-tradable $vePTP and use them as a booster in liquidity pools...
team of @Platypusdefi announced earlier new use cases for $vePTP and the first just be clarified couple days ago; #PTPVotingGauge rewards from liquidity pools were defined in $PTP and starting from 6th of September (next week, Tuesday) $vePTP holders can vote on distribution...
of the $PTP emissions...their votes will be defined by the amount of $vePTP they have and they can use all for one gauge or can allocate in different any momeny, $vePTP owner can change his/her opinion and change his/her vote...the benefit for $vePTP holders...
Read 7 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
🎉We're holding a #PTParty Tweet Thread Competition
$720 in PTP awaiting our lucky winners!

What do you need to do?
#PTPVotingGaugeAnalysis: Tweet a thread explaining our PTParty & Voting Gauge to help more people understand what is happening, what's next, & why it matters! 🧵
2/ Please also share your opinion! It could be a brief background of PTParty, the potential participants, or what you understood about it!

📅 Competition is open from 1 - 6 September
So, what's the criteria for winning? Keep reading!
3/ Our team will assess all the entries based following criteria:
1. Originality, clarity, and accuracy of the content
2. Quality of your thoughts

Note: it must be in English :)
Read 5 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
su konuya dair flood yazmak bugune nasip oldu...@Platypusdefi @PlatypusTR bir sure once oylama sistemi hayata gecirecegini duyurumustu, dunku makaleleri ile de bu sistemin detaylarini aciklamislar...gelin kisaca bakalim...
bildiginiz gibi elinizdeki $PTP leri stake ederek $vePTP kazaniyorduk ve bunlar havuzlardan aldiginiz odulleri arttirmada (boost) ise yariyordu...ozellikle uygulama ilk ciktiginda oldukca guzel oranlar gormustuk $USDT ve $USDC icin...
simdi ise $vePTP icin farkli bir kullanis geliyor; oylama uygulamasi...havuzlardaki likidite icin $PTP odul olarak dagitiliyor ve 6 Eylul'den itibaren $vePTP sahipleri bu $PTP emisyonunun nasil dagitilacagina dair oy verebilecekler...peki bu $vePTP sahiplerine nasil geri donus...
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
LIVE SOON on Sep 6th...
The long awaited #VotingGauge 💥

#PTParty participants are all prepared to compete with each other to give you the best incentive possible. What's this phenomenon?! 🧵

Learn more about Voting Gauge here:
2/ Voting Gauge allows vePTP holders to "vote" where $PTP emissions go. The more votes a pool gets, the more PTP emission will be allocated to it. And by now, we all now what that means... more ka-ching ka-ching 💸
3/ It's a dynamic emission where vePTP holders can change where they place their votes anytime! Emission updates in real time too!

And you know what influences the votes? Well, our PTParty participants will offer bribes. It's to incentivize you to vote for their pool 💰
Read 4 tweets
May 5th 2022
@yieldyak_ just launched a proposal to transfer voting power of veJOE, vePTP and likely other veTokens in the future to $YAK , with all the benefits that come with it. This is huge, wanna know why? Read this 🧵
The first veTokenomics was launched by @Platypusdefi with $vePTP and then followed by @traderjoe_xyz with $veJOE.
You accumulate vePTP or veJOE over time by depositing $PTP and $JOE respectively and the more you have the higher your booster when you farm on their platform
And they’ll have governance power. Protocols like @yieldyak_ started to accumulate $vePTP and $veJOE to offer these advantages to their community, getting inspired by @ConvexFinance and #CRVwars
Read 8 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
1) A 🧵 on protocol bribes

The term bribes may sound shady but it simply denotes providing incentives by a third party under an entirely transparent mechanism in the context of crypto. Let's take the case of Curve and Convex as an example.

#CurveFinance #Convex #YieldFarming
2) The elegance of Curve Finance lies in its $CRV tokenomics, which create a flywheel effect that incentivizes the accumulation of $CRV:
3) -Curve LPs receive $CRV as the mining rewards
-$CRV holders can allocate their votes to the pool to increase its share of $CRV emission
-Users gain more voting power by locking more $CRV for $veCRV
Read 11 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Looks like an audible has been called last minute.. and @Platypusdefi #PTParty launch has been delayed (from what I can tell) until Thursday, Mar-3, 6pm UTC

Here are the official announcements from
@echidna_finance $ECD

And @vector_fi $VTX

Scurrying to find out more info ASAP
Key question is if we can stake @Platypusdefi $PTP for $ecdPTP on @echidna_finance $ECD & $xPTP on @vector_fi $VTX, respectively, now to accrue rewards or if rewards don't start until Mar-3
Addendum 1/2
Looks like @Platypusdefi $PTP staking is live on @vector_fi $VTX
I converted an initial amount 4k PTP into xPTP & staked some stables. Are they not honouring the detante? Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
The #PTParty, also known as the $PTP Wars starts today!

I've compiled all the relevant threads to help you understand what is happening.

Read this today, this is alpha 🧵👇
Read 9 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
My Strategy for Playing the #PTParty #PTPwars
(16-Part Thread Incoming)
#PTParty starts *TODAY* Sunday Feb-27 6pm UTC

This has already caused a massive run-up in PTP against a shaky macro crypto & #AVAX market

So what's going on?
1/16 Image
What does #PTParty mean?
3 protocols, an established one @yieldyak_ $YAK & 2 new projects @echidna_finance $ECD, @vector_fi $VTX are launching strategies on top of @Platypusdefi $PTP to give users enhanced % APYs on stablecoins

Let's unpack this...

Topics to discuss
1) What does @Platypusdefi $PTP do?
2) What will @yieldyak_ $YAK, @echidna_finance $ECD & @vector_fi $VTX do to enhance this
3) What’s the optimal strategy for playing this?
3/16 Image
Read 17 tweets

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