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Jul 7th 2020
Sharing the @ColumbiaSIPA #CyberThreatIntelligence capstone report that my team worked on over Spring 2020 for @Nzc2ZjZjNjY at Standard Chartered Bank. We examined the impact of public disclosures and leaks had on cyber adversary operations.…

By examining 8 different groups (APT1, APT10, Cobalt Group, APT 33, APT 34, APT38/Lazarus Group, APT28 and APT29) we were confident to state that while public #disclosures impose short term #friction, they frequently fail to result in long-term #disruptions.

We believe that while beneficial to the objectives of #USCyberCom #PersistentEngagement, consistent disclosures have enabled adversaries to become resilient - either by encouraging rapidly retooling or allowing them to use compromised tooling on softer targets.

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