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Oct 25th 2022
It's here.

First impressions after #QuestPro initial setup:

Screen is nice. No dramatical changes, it is just good.

FoV is much bigger. I was able to move close to the eyes and I can see screen edges with peripheral vision. And it is still very comfortable. Image
Side light blockers is a must for VR. Yeah, there is some uncovered area in the bottom but it doesn't bother me at all. Without sides blocking it is so open that I see a room outside (should be good for MR). I ordered full blocking cover, but now I am now sure if need it. Image
The head strap it like from the future, it looks advanced and feels comfortable. Strap have the springs inside so you don't need to adjust the headset every time you put it on (if it's without side blockers. The only thing I miss is the ability to tilt visor up as in Hololens. Image
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