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May 22nd 2021

Most defend #RajaRamMohanRoy saying Bengal was just liberated from Mughals due to British & not Hindus, therefore RRM thought Hindus as Inferior & he wanted Hindus to be Powerful like that of Bristish & hence propagated British ideology.
I would have agreed for this ImageImage
but RRM Roy knew the history of Marathas & how they triumphed over Mughals, so with whatever reasoning these RRMRoy friend’s tries to justify his actions, it falls flat.
Also, they say British were more civilized than Islamic rule & hence RRM Roy looked upon them as Saviours…
Again this theory gets destroyed, as the British had already started exploiting poor farmers, their atrocities against 1000s & 1000s of common men were growing rapidly.
Apart from that, RRM Roy also knew what happened to Goan Hindus under Christians, how the Church suppressed
Read 14 tweets
May 23rd 2020
It's a lie that Sati was Hindus standard practice

Sati was practiced very occasionally, mostly among the Ruling class, where the childless widow of the deceased king VOLUNTARY ascended the funeral pyre with him

Total no. of Sati cases in British Raj were next to negligible
British did propaganda that how #RajaRamMohanRoy was fighting against bad practice of Sati– it hardly existed in Bengal

Sati was not a heinous practice, it was a concept of "Death before Dishonor"

Hindu women did Sati & made sure a muslim invader cannot rape her dead body
Britishers want to show India use to follow such bad practices & hide "Witch Hunting" followed in west

In 1893, Matilda Joslyn Gage in her book, "Woman, Church & State", outlines a history of oppression of women by Church, citing as evidence the burning of accused witches
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