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Jan 2nd 2020
Homework assignment for U.S. press: Ask Bill Barr,

• "Are you a member of Opus Dei?"
• "Do you subscribe to any of Opus Dei's beliefs?"
• "If so, what specific beliefs?"

#RemoveTrump #RemoveBarr #RemovePompeo

• "Do you believe in the separation of church and state?"
• "Will you hold true to the separation of church and state as stated in the U.S. Constitution?"
• It is of the utmost importance to know the answers to these questions —  and by forcing Barr, himself, to answer them in a PUBLIC FORUM — we will address these issues in an open manner that has not yet been done. We MUST NOT let religion further infiltrate our government.
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Sep 26th 2019
1/ Uhhh... William Barr actively worked to suppress a whistleblower report in which he was implicated.

Barr's DOJ prevented the IG from delivering the report to Congress.
2/ Barr's DOJ released a statement claiming the report was based on hearsay and that there was an indication of political bias. Those statements became the central talking points of interests defending Trump's actions for 24 hours prior to the release of the "transcript" memo.
3/ It is currently being reported that Barr played an active role in the efforts to suppress this report. He would have cleared relevant DOJ statements. Barr was one of the subjects of the underlying phone conversation.
Read 7 tweets

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