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Jun 27th 2020
What I learnt on the Twitter this week:

1. Two months before the start of the new school year, Ontario's Education Minister announces he doesn't know the difference between a syllabus and curriculum.
2. Kenney says public funding of private/charter schools isn't rocket surgery.
3. Doug and Lecce tweet a grad celebration graphic with typos. Asked about the typos, Lecce says "This is why math skills are the key to kids' futures!"
4. Kenney government announces 2021 referendum. Says primary question will be, "How many more Issue Managers should we hire?"
5. Doug says he "feels the first two years of his government had a few hiccups, but mostly, has been successful." That's it. That's the funny part.
6. Rex Murphy becomes Kraft Dinner's newest social media influencer.
7. Lisa MacLeod tweets this week that she talked on the phone.
Read 11 tweets

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