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1)You sir are a threat to girls and women’s sports! Biological males have NO place in girls or women’s sports! I will continue to fight and stand up for what is right! We women didn’t fight for our rights to be flushed down the toilet by the likes of YOU! 🧵#protectgirlssports
2) My grand daughter, who is part of the LGBTQ community, is going on 13 and I asked her “How would you feel after training so hard in your sport only to have to compete a boy who now says he’s a girl. That means sharing bathrooms & locker rooms!” #protectgirlssports
3) She said “Well Mimi, that wouldn’t be fair and no I would not want that. My thing is they should start a league of their own.” She’s 13 and sounds a hell of a lot smarter than you all pushing this crap on our girls!” Is she transphobic, a bigot because she feels that way?
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