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Jul 20th 2018
#Repl4NLP at #ACL2018 panel discussion:
Q: Given that the amount of data and computing power is rapidly increasing, should we just quit working on models altogether?
Yejin: Sounds like a good idea for the companies. The more data the better. Please create more data.
Meg: Different people have different strengths. People say: “We should all care about ethics”. Geek out about what you love. Apply yourself to what you. Lots of other things that come to bear besides just working with data, e.g. sociology, psychology, maths, etc.
Important to focus on what you really love. Work with people that have complimentary and different interests.
Yoav: Personally don’t work on huge data. If some company would like to train a huge LM on the entire web, that’d be great to have and analyze.
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