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Oct 23rd 2022
NEW: The Washington Post reports that the large Ukrainian-American community in OH, traditionally Republican-leaning voters, are backing Tim Ryan for Senate due to JD Vance’s pro-Putin stances.
#RepublicansForTimRyan #OHSen
“ Irena Stolar has voted Republican for over half a century, from Richard M. Nixon to Donald Trump. But in the midterms, Stolar, 73, said she will cast her first vote for a Democrat. Originally from Ukraine, Stolar refuses to support J.D. Vance..”
“Anna Barrett, president of the credit union, said she will vote for a Democratic candidate for the first time in her life. “I certainly could not support Mr. Vance based on what he has said,” she said. Like others, Barrett has been working around-the-clock to fundraise...”
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