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Sep 24th 2018
MARK JUDGE THREAD: Why is Mark Judge making sexy videos with Anti-Obama RW propaganda covering naked(?) young woman? One article is written by Micheal Leeden, husband to BARBARA LEEDEN of Sen. Leahy’s stolen emails and Chuck Grassley’s office fame! What is this? Links below.
Watch Mark Judge’s video through links in tweets below. What exactly is this content created for? I find it hard to believe this is the end product and not an advertisement for something else.
These are iBooks from Encounter Books Broadside

Is Mark Judge sexualizing Anti-Obama propaganda? Why?

Some authors:
#DavidGratzer #BetsyMcCaughey
#AvikRoyMichael #MichaelLeeden
#PeterFerrara #RichardAEpstein
Read 26 tweets

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