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Jun 10th 2022
1/ Hello just answering direct message i received.
because some people saw a recent map showing it.
NO there are no more Ukrainians troops in #Rubinje #Roubijne #Рубіжне for at least 15 days! & every single one knows that! even Ukr don't claim it. Also no more UK troops downtown
2/ #Severodonestk . same thing all parts agree on that.
there are troops outside the city. that's it.

seems though that Russians are failing to push away Ukr forces & they are losing a lot of people there.
one gen report of Gadaï below :
3/ i think some people are confusing the term "regional center is ours" just meaning the city itself (still inside some boundaries) and being in the center of the city...
if a map claims that UA (Ukr) forces are near downtown.. it's totally ludicrous.
maybe in few days.. not now
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