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Apr 5th 2020
@WhoWouldWin13 Taarna has similar physicality to her opponent, and like her has incredible sword skills to boot. However, she has one major serious advantage over Red Sonja; air superiority!

She rides a huge pterosaur-like animal, one big enough to fly with her on its back. This is something
@WhoWouldWin13 that I believe most pterosaurs could not do, having to be well designed to be as lightweight as possible so that they can take to the air. Two that might have pulled this off are Orinthocheirus and Quetzalcoatlus, both of which had wingspans of about 40 feet (the latter at least
@WhoWouldWin13 500 pounds).

This one, however, seems heavier, with less of a wingspan, and yet it can not only fly, but have Taarna riding on its back. This is probably indicative of being made out of stronger biological materials than normal, or perhaps some extra biological apparatus that
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