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Aug 16th 2020
A study identified a 3-fold increase in land surface temp (LST), which is negatively affected by loss of green spaces, as a reason for micro-climate changes in Mumbai..





#SaveOurCoast Image
Due to increase in built-up areas & subsequent latent heat. “LULC changes have subsequently altered micro-climate of city’s urban ecosystem.
Surface temp variation & changes in rainfall distribution r a direct indicator of this,”
Satellite maps indicated  43% area under dense &20% sparse vegetation steadily decreased from 1988 to 2018.Major affected areas that witnessed changes in dense vegetation include SGNP, Aarey in Goregaon, Bhandup,Malad& creek areas etc
Read 4 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
Mumbai's coast is home to over 370 unique marine species, which will be destroyed by Coastal Road reclamation. We need to protect our natural heritage!




Mumbai's rocky coast is where hundreds of marine species come to breed. Destroying the coastline will destroy the whole marine ecosystem




To combat climate change, we need to drive less and switch to public transport. The Coastal Road takes us in the wrong direction, increasing pollution and car density. 




Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
Today Mumbaikars woke up to a set of misleading ads that spent their hard earned tax, on the planned Metro Car Shed in #AareyForest.
Here is a thread with rebuttals from prominent civic activists like @zoru75 & Faredoon Bhujwala
#SaveAareySaveMumbai 1/11
How large is the depot? And will it really not affect our green lungs?
No wildlife in #AareyForest ? Really?
Read 11 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
The approval for cutting of 2,700 trees by BMC despite a historic 1,20,000 plus objections being acknowledged by the tree authority, is a betrayal of Mumbaikars, we urge Mumbaikars to take to the ballot to vote out those responsible! 1/7

The party has always stood shoulder to shoulder with the 'Save Aarey' movement, & has organised Satyagrahas, mobilized support on the ground and even moved court when due process wasn't followed. 2/7
We feel it pertinent to point out that we aren't against the metro, we are against the proposed site of the metro-3 shed, which can be relocated to any of the 13 alternative sites, which the Govt of Maharashtra had accepted and found feasible. 3/7
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