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Oct 7th 2020
#ISTC20 #Sesh5 1/16 I thank the organisers for a chance to present my research here. I work on the Spoon-billed sandpiper (SBS), a charismatic species, characterised by an unusual shape of its beak. It is also critically endangered, with <200 pairs left in the wild. The Spoon-billed sandpiper on the breeding site in Meinypylg
#ISTC20 #Sesh5 2/16 SBS breeds only in Chukotka (the most North-Eastern part of Eurasia). It flies to Southeast Asia for winter, stopping at key sites in China and other countries during the trip. It is a flagship and umbrella species helping to shape environmental policy. The flyway of SBS. The historical breeding range is in red.
#ISTC20 #Sesh5 3/16 We supplemented the headstarting efforts of this species with a thorough genomic analysis. To this end, we sequenced ~10 SBS complete genomes from different locations along the breeding range. The quality of the reference genome is comparable to chicken. Statistics of the genome, including how many key genes we fi
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