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Sep 24th 2021
Hi! we are @InafOact and we're happy to join the #CataniaResearchShow. We'll present the latest results of our projects.
Follow the whole show, we'll then pass the baton to @lottabiolab next!
#SharperNight #EuropeanResearchersNight #ERN21 #MSCANight #ERNItaly #SharperNightCatania
#SolarPhysics These images show the latest Hα and continuum image of the Sun acquired at @InafOact with a quality index equal to 1 (1 =good, 3 = bad). They provide a view of the solar chromosphere and photosphere. The observations are carried out between 8:00 and 14:00 CET/CEST.

Unpacking #Juice, the world's first mission to orbit an icy moon. @ESA_JUICE
On board of the payload will be #JANUS, an optical Italian-led camera to study the largest Jupiter moons: #Ganymede, #Callisto and #Europa.
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