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My job involves data analysis. So I used some of the skills I've developed to model the electoral votes in 10 swing states for each democratic candidate.

Their are 538 electoral votes between the 50 states plus DC.
19 blue for 216 votes
22 red for 180
10 swing states for 142
To win the presidential election in November, the candidate has to win 270 electoral votes. So the democratic candidate will need to win 54 electoral votes from those 10 swing states.

My data source:
Each candidate vs Trump, filtered by swing state from…
My method:
If the poll shows the candidate ahead of Trump by 6 points or more, I'll call that a big lead.
Ahead by 4-5, a decent lead.
Ahead 1-3 a tight lead.
Even is a toss up.

I'll add up each category to see who has the best chance to get 270 and beat Trump.
Read 14 tweets

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