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May 2nd 2020
#SitaJayanti #SitaNavami
Sita Devi was a divine gift to King Janaka, not born of mother's womb&daughter of the soil of Mithila. She grew with exceptional intelligence& virtues&skills at an extraordinary pace in the loving care of her foster father King Janaka.
#ValmikiRamayana Image
King Janaka,a Rajarishi himself,gave way his daughter with pride to Sri Rama who won over her through his valor. Ek Patni Vratha of Sri Rama;Pativrata of Sita Devi make them inseparable.United in wedlock,love & duty centered around each other,They r full of joy like Vishnu w Sri! ImageImageImageImage
Sita Devi did not come back w Hanuman from Lanka as she refused to touch any other man other than her husband.

To Agni she said - "If I am true to my husband in thought & deed, may thou act as a cooling influence on Hanuman"
That was why Fire neither burned Hanuman or Her! ImageImage
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