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Feb 15th 2022
#FFVIIRemake #Graveofthefireflies #SononKusakabe

FF VII Remake: Intergrade and Grave of the Fireflies parallels.

Sonon and Melphie are an homage to Seita and Setsuko.

A small thread detailing the parallels between these two wonderful works of fiction. Spoilers for both 🧵 ->
Firstly, we must acknowledge the parallels between Sonon and Melphie to Seita and Setsuko.

*Their Relationships are that of brother and sister, and they both have a deep bond with each other.

*For both, the older brother fails to protect the younger sister from dying. ImageImageImageImage

*The tragic circumstances of the deaths of Melphie and Setsuko both revolve around war.

*Both Sonon and Seita live with incredible guilt and regret for not being able to save their little sisters.

*the hair lengths of the brothers and sisters are similar too. ImageImage
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