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Feb 25th 2020
If I say Nagi Reddy, this name doesn't reckon much for many, but Vikram & Betal Stories???
If AmaraChitraKatha came with toons, #Chandamama came with stories..
It taught as Moral, Ethics, Integrity, Nationalism & introduced quizzical, puzzling #VikramBetalStories
Nagireddy was a great visionary & a man who who was a master in multiple sectors.
If Chandamama enriched readers through books, his movies gave masses knowledge about Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavatha & Puranas.
All these were before Ramayana & Mahabharata came in Doordarshan.
It's not an exaggeration to say, NagiReddy gave immense fame 4 NTR & Nageshwar Rao.
He had a partnr, #Chakrapani who was a screenwriter
This combination delivrd successful films for decades in multiple languages.
At one time, his #VijayaVahinStudios at Chennai was Asia's Largest.
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