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Aug 8th 2022
➡️ #VisHnu the #SreEkaraNaAraAyana 🙏

sriidah sriishah sriinivasah sriinidhih srii-vibhavanah
śrīdharaḥ #śrīkaraḥ śreyaḥ śrīmān lōkatrayāśrayaḥ

(Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram sloka # 65)

to be continued....
#SriIdaH: the one who bestows wealth (Sri)

#SriEsHa = Sri + Eesha = #SriEesha;
Sri means Goddess Lakshmi and Eesha means the Lord and SriEesha means the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of fortune and wealth. ++..
#SriInivaAsa (Sri+NivaAsa)

Sri means Goddess Lakshmi Devi; Nivaasa means the (abode) residence. SrinivaAsa means;

the one (Goddess Lakshmi) who always dwells (nithya-anapaayani) in the (Hrudaya) chest of Lord Vishnu inseparably poised; contd...+
Read 16 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
Guruh gurutamo dhaamah satyah satya-paraakramah!
Nimisho-a-nimishah sragvee vaachaspatir-udaaradhiih!!

#Chaaturmaasam is the period when Bhagavantha #SriManNarayana enters into Yoga-Nidra. It doesn't mean that He sleeps like mortals.…
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama stothram (sloka #23) describes Sri #Vishnu as #Animishah, the one who is ever awake, ever alert, and ever vigilant; the one who keeps a continuous vigil on his devotees. +
These four months (#Chaturmasam) are incredibly dear and pleasing to Paramaatma #Vishnu when He will be in Yoga Nidra (divine slumber) from Aaashaada Sukla Ekadasi called Deva Sayani or Hari Sayani to Kartheeka Sukla Dwaadasi called Uttaana Dwaadasi.
Read 5 tweets

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