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Jul 4th 2020

1. St Elizabeth was born in 1271 into the royal family of Aragon. At the age of twelve she was married to the king of Portugal, and had two children. The marriage was unhappy,

#July4th #July4th2020 #StElizabethOfPortugal #women Image
2. and led to many disputes between the families. She lived a life of penance, prayer and fasting. After her husband’s death she renounced the world and lived in poverty as a member of the Third Order of St Francis. War broke out between her son and grandson,
3. trying to reconcile them,
she died.


Father of peace and love,
you gave St Elizabeth the gift of reconciling enemies.
By the help of her prayers
give us the courage to work for peace among men,
that we may be called the sons of God.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ...
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