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So on top of the video I did canon-welding Picard’s finale and STO, I think I’m gonna write some short Trek fanfic showing how I’d do it - I know I’m never going to get to do it “for real”, so why not? 😂 Probably will link threads below this post. #startrekonline #canonwelder
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An immense thank you to Star Trek Picard season 3 showrunner @TerryMatalas for giving me my childhood back. Apologies for not trusting his vision earlier on. The finale ended up being… perfect. Paramount should greenlight Terry Matalas’ new #StarTrekLegacy show. Make it so!
I used to race home on my bike from middle school every Thursday to make sure I was home in time for the start of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I had the VCR programmed too, just in case. That’s the impact this show, its characters, and its ideals had on my upbringing.
And that series finale in 1994 was just perfect. PERFECT.

That closing overhead shot of them playing cards in the end has been burned into my brain since I was a kid.

“Five card, nothing wild, and the sky’s the limit!”
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