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Mar 6th 2023
Let's open up the black box of capitalism. I discussed what it means & what it does with @BernieSanders and @martinwolf_ on @BBCR4 last week. Here's how I defined it - how would you put it differently? 1/n
This definition was particularly inspired by the works of Nancy Fraser, @marjorie_kelly and Katharina Pistor - thank you all. 2/n.
Here's a link to the whole conversation on #StartTheWeek @BBCRadio4… 3/n
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Jan 20th 2019
King #Ashurbanipal was a scholar, as well as a warrior and lion hunter. In the 7th BC, he amassed a vast library of over 30,000 clay tablets.

This one notes it belonged to ‘Ashurbanipal, King of the World, King of Assyria’ 📚👑
#Ashurbanipal’s Library is one of the most important archaeological discoveries ever made, covering everything from medicine to magic, ritual to court gossip.

Find out more about the Library and the ancient Assyrian empire in our Curator’s blog post:
#Ashurbanipal relied on his huge Library to help run the Assyrian empire – many tablets interpreted omens from the gods and attempted to predict the future 🔮📚

Discover more about the life and times of Ashurbanipal in our major exhibition. Book tickets:
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