Kate Raworth Profile picture
Author of Doughnut Economics. Co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab. Teaching at Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute. She/her.
#ZeitfuerNeues by @kenwinkler Profile picture vivian Hutchinson Profile picture Mieke Pieters Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 6, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Let's open up the black box of capitalism. I discussed what it means & what it does with @BernieSanders and @martinwolf_ on @BBCR4 last week. Here's how I defined it - how would you put it differently? 1/n This definition was particularly inspired by the works of Nancy Fraser, @marjorie_kelly and Katharina Pistor - thank you all. 2/n.
Feb 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Hey Twitter Hive mind. I'm seeking ace short videos that show real world complexity in action - from a murmuration of starlings in Ireland to traffic flow in Ho Chi Minh City. See my picks in thread below - & please share more. 5 mins max is ideal - thx! vimeo.com/31158841 Spontaneous 'phantom' traffic jam...
Oct 30, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
I am so so sorry to hear that the brilliant Herman Daly - founding father of ecological economics - has died. His paradigm-changing work flipped my little econ head inside out & inspired me to write a book on rewriting economics… Here are just some of his big ideas 1/n. First, the problem: in mainstream economics, destruction of the living world is treated as an 'environmental externality'. As Daly wrote, ”we classify things as ‘external costs’ for no better reason than because we have made no provision for them in our economic theories”.
Sep 25, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
The UK government's ruthless and reckless policies that "go for growth” require us all to ask the essential questions that Donella Meadows - mother of systems thinking - set out decades ago. So join me in answering these questions... 1/n Image Growth of what, and why? Image
Apr 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Big news! For any city, district, neighbourhood or nation wanting to put Doughnut Economics into practice where you are - DEAL has just launched a *fantastic* set of tools to help you get started. Join the community @DoughnutEcon and dive in. 1/n. doughnuteconomics.org/news/48 Here’s the essential perspective that the tools invite you to explore in your own locality – both social and ecological, combining local aspirations with global responsibilities. They invite a holistic approach to remaking the future of the places where we live. 2/n.
Aug 26, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
I'm heading to London again today to stand with @XRebellionUK. Here's why....1/n. I’ve dedicated the last 15 years of my working life to tackling climate & ecological breakdown. Since 2006 I have authored reports, briefed politicians, engaged with companies, talked to the media, written a book, set up an organisation, become an academic...
Aug 10, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
It was a privilege to contribute #Newsnight yesterday – but there is never enough time to do justice to the arguments. So here’s what I actually wanted to say, in 5 tweets…0/5... 1. Humanity’s essential 21st century task is to pull back within planetary boundaries, while meeting the needs of all people for the first in history. The new IPCC report makes clear the urgency of cutting global GHG emissions, & the irreversible consequences of failing to do so.
Jul 27, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello @Fidelity_UK. You own 7m shares in Rockhopper plc, which is suing Italy's government for acting on climate change, & hoping to use the winnings to drill for oil in the Falklands / Malvinas. Which side of history do you expect to be on? These are morally stranded assets. If you are serious about acting on the climate, @Fidelity_UK, act now. Climate tipping points are not waiting till 2022. It's time for financial tipping points to catch up fast. ft.com/content/bef5cf…
Jul 25, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
What's stopping faster government action on climate? In part, the fear of being sued by fossil companies over 'lost profits' if they are no longer permitted to drill, mine & destroy. The ISDS rules literally privilege corporate power over life on earth. theguardian.com/business/2021/… A message from the people of Italy to the executives and investors of Rockhopper Exploration plc (the UK oil company now suing the gov of Italy). 10isdsstories.org/cases/case9/
Mar 5, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
If you're into Doughnut Economics and love powerful icons, this event tomorrow (Sat) is just for you - help to design a set of universal icons for the Doughnut's 21 dimensions so they can be used freely by all.... hosted by the fab folks @CamDoughnut doughnuteconomics.org/events/68 Here's what the City of Amsterdam came up with for starters @CamDoughnut
Jan 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm searching for recent (2015+) data on individual ownership of stocks/shares in the UK and US, by wealth or income quintiles. Can't seem to find any @ONS. Anyone know some reliable sources? Many thx in advance. I found a good US source, in case anyone else interested cnbc.com/2020/08/27/wea…
Jan 28, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Last December I was invited to present Doughnut Economics to the Biden Treasury Transition Team. Here are some of the key ideas I shared with them....(1/n) Image Image
Jan 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
To financial investors, double-digit returns are the expected norm - even when investing in ESG. Here's a question for ecologists, biologists, epidemiologists: what in nature grows with double digits? Asking for a nearby planet. By ESG I mean investors who say they also take account of Environmental, Social and Governance factors.
Jul 20, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
If you want to downscale the Doughnut, here's how!
Today we are launching the methodology behind Amsterdam's City Doughnut. It's free to use & adapt to create a tool for transformation where you live. Join us @DoughnutEcon to co-create & much more. kateraworth.com/2020/07/16/so-… And if you want a quick overview, here's a 12 min video summary....
Apr 26, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
What's the most regenerative, distributive, commons-based, feminist food you know of? For me it has to be sourdough bread. Why?.... 1. It's regenerative because the essential ingredient - starter - is made from flour & water with wild yeast & a friendly microorganism (lactobacilli) found in the air. And it keeps on regenerating every day when fed a little more flour and water.
Apr 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
"Systems thinking is too advanced for undergraduates" an economics professor once told me.

I just taught the basics of feedback loops to my 11 y.o. twins and then they drew this.

It's time to teach & use the tools we all need for the complex challenges we face now & ahead. If you want to get familiar with the basics of systems thinking, I recommend the first half of this paper by John Sterman of MIT jsterman.scripts.mit.edu/docs/Sterman%2…
Mar 16, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
I'm planning some blogs showing how the potential of 21st c economics becomes visible in a crisis. Where are you seeing these principles of Doughnut Economics coming alive in response to coronavirus? Examples, however local or global, would be fantastic & inspiring, many thanks. Will this crisis help us better understand the deep interconnectedness of human health and planetary health?