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Mar 11th 2021
Thread - I am so tired tonight. It's been a long day & a long week .... @BrightonHoveCC TECC cttee this eve was a tough one to try to address serious concerns about @riseuk decommissioning. Whilst assurances were made, it does present this saddening national trend to give away..
expert #domesticabuse services to the lowest generic bidder.I am deeply unhappy & traumatised about what this means for #Brighton survivors. I feel more low than councillors could ever imagine about future safeguarding issues & in ways someone who's not experienced being afraid
Of a partner in all its guises could understand. I am heartened by some steps taken to address a HQ for @riseuk & discussions around @mhclg £ for dedicated services. I thank @BrightonHoveCC councillors for debating these cross party & taking concerns seriously in light of this...
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