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Aug 1st 2018
Sketching at local hedgehog cafe during lunch break. Nothing beats drawing from life!
#StudyStudyStudyStudy #Sketch
Figuring out some Good Stuff that I probably wouldn't have noticed without the experience of actually handling a hedgehog in real life. For instance did you know their quills crisscross? This allows them to provide resistance from any angle!
What a strange looking pastry!
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Jul 29th 2018
Doing some Bengus studies (oh man this is HARD lol)! Let me share some learnings with you! ...
#Darkstalkers #Art #MasterStudy #StudyStudyStudyStudy
Something that Bengus does really well is that he primarily uses straight lines to convey everything. He rarely uses curved lines. Every line has a strong sense of direction that conveys the underlying mass. That's why his linework is so DIMENSIONAL.
#Darkstalkers #Art
Look at what happens when I copy Lord Raptor's face using a lot of curves. The drawing feels much flatter because the curves don't have a strong sense of direction. They seem to only move along the X and Y axis without conveying depth. They're ambiguos, unconfident.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
Some more beetle studies. If you are a character designer and particularly if you like to make creatures, armor or machines, you should definitely get to know and love bugs!
Now to apply those learnings. Look at this good boi.
Look at this ➡️⬇️↘️ boi
#coleoptera #characterdesign #shoryuken
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