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Apr 27th 2023
Brilliant @realkaypius. Share your lament about the nation largely being unaware of @abhilashtomy & his stupendous feat. I love cricket but despair, like you, on how IPL mania had obscured our finest sporting achievement. Folks @abhilashtomy is at the gates of glory and set
2/n. To create history. To put in cricketing terms, Tomy combines the temperament of @msdhoni, fitness of @imVkohli, skill of @sachin_rt, passion of #sauravganguly, commitment of @anilkumble1074, artistry of @VVSLaxman281, fortitude of @rahuldravid_ind, swag of @virendersehwag,
3/n. articulation of #sunilgavaskar, chutzpah of @RaviShastriOfc, versatility of @ravichandranas4 & all-round skills of #Kapildev. The other day @harshabhogle007 in his commentary said that nothing can match the variables of pitch in cricket. In the context of the game & its
Read 11 tweets
Apr 10th 2022
Dear #SunilGavaskar Sir,
With due respect if you don't like Sanju Samson please keep it with you. Don't bring it in commentary box with you.
Y'day when @DineshKarthik was setting the field for @RCBTweets and when @faf1307 was being supported by @imVkohli & @DineshKarthik (1/5)
Sir you said that: "There are a lot of reliable people in the team who know their duties" and you have heaped praise for same.

Today in the same instance when @josbuttler
and #trentboult where giving their iut puts to bowlers our legend has put across: " Sanju has no idea (2/5)
Whst's happening out there".

Now for @DelhiCapitals @davidwarner31 supports @RishabhPant17 in field placements and tactics.
For other team's it is tactics but in case for Sanju does the same then he has no idea.

Nothing there from the legend when @imjadeja
And @ImRo45(3/5)
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
I don't know if #SunilGavaskar will even remember this. Years ago when I ran a resto lounge called "Lush" in Pune, on a weekday we had a private function of a young couple. The family was there, as was Rohan & #SunilGavaskar .
When the place was winding down #SunilGavaskar 1n
2. #SunilGavaskar met me & thanking me for the hospitality (we did not know one of them was related to him) insisted our staff take from the buffet laid out, while their guests ate! He smiled, met our staff, the photographer took the picture with them. (selfies were not there)n
3. Word was around that #SunilGavaskar was here. Two beat marshals & two lady cops who were not on duty for the night & were on their way home, I presume, came to see the master. They were in uniform so did not want to enter, just wanted to see him. #SunilGavaskar walked out n
Read 4 tweets

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