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Introducing my new lyrical analysis series: THE ERAS TOUR SETLIST VERSION.

By popular demand, the first album up is...Evermore!

Our first featured #TSErasTour analysis is the song I am MOST looking forward to scream-crying with you all at the stadium: Champagne Problems! A 🧵: Image
1) Let's begin with the title itself: "Champagne Problems." This common idiom is used to describe an issue, or decision, which is seemingly trivial in the face of what is perceived to be the "real," serious problems of the world. This can be applied to many different situations.
2) The first use is to disparage a seemingly minor issue faced by someone with affluence (ie, wealth or success), a la "first world problems." This meaning is particularly applicable to Taylor, whose struggles have been consistently downplayed in the media for this very reason.
Read 58 tweets
Tennessee’s attorney general said he’d look into if Ticketmaster violated consumers’ rights and antitrust regulations, after glitches during the sale of tickets for Taylor Swift’s “Eras” tour left some fans stranded in hours-long virtual queues. On the left, a photo of Tay...
Jonathan Skrmetti (R) said his office had received complaints from people who tried purchasing tickets to Swift’s first tour in over four years, and said they faced a chaotic process and a “severe lack of customer support” from Ticketmaster. Quote, attributed to Skrmet...
It wasn’t clear Thursday morning whether Skrmetti has opened a formal investigation.

Ticketmaster has come under fire before for charging high service fees and enabling predatory resellers — some StubHub tickets have been priced at $12,000 or more.
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