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Oct 16th 2019
It was indeed awesome yesterday to have these notable voices make their contribution in the conversation regarding this worrying subject: #RapeSexualAbuse. Discussion taken down to #SecondarySchools
#PreventionIsBetterThanCure #aStitcHinTimeSaves9
After the long emotional counselling session yesterday, and having carefully gone through the anonymous designed questionnaires given to the students to fill after the presentation/conversation, I would say, #ThisIsTheWayToGo! It was a huge #success. Here are my observations...
1) The strategy of focusing more on the preventive measures, the tips/principles one can maintain in life to avert such situations in the fist place. They need not fall victim b4 they learn...but to use their senses well/good reasoning to decipher when someone is up to something
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