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Feb 24th 2021
Dear @POTUS and Secy @DHSgov Mayorkas,

1/ On this miserable occasion of losing 500,000 American souls, I’d like to suggest we #WelcomeWithDignity the temp-tost, homeless masses huddled against the southern border, yearning to breathe free.

We need them. Now.

2/ Also, Big TX for rolling back MPP!

But @POTUS, why continue w/Title 42?

A racist trope invoked by a madman, it was his excuse to seal the border from a disease he didn’t believe in when all he really wanted was to keep out Black and Brown people.

3/ Every delay further risks the lives of vulnerable people stuck in what your own @StateDept deems some of the most dangerous places on Earth: Level 4.

We’re talking families and children whose only crime was to seek safe haven in Trump’s cruel America.

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