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May 7th 2020
Last call for the Thames Clippers RB1 service #VirtualTour! We're setting sail in this thread in one hour so take a seat, grab a hot drink from the onboard bar and get ready to sail through London in style (virtually) #VirtuallyLondon
As our service is currently suspended, all content shared has been captured prior to lockdown. #StayHomeStaySafe
As we depart Woolwich, on our way towards central London, we’re passing the Thames Barrier. One of the largest movable flood barriers in the world – it even has its own visitor centre! Image: Bill Green
#Woolwich #ThamesBarrier #RiverThames #VirtualTour
Read 54 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
⚠️ Due to a forecast high tide, the #ThamesBarrier will be closing today.

Gates are expected to start moving to the closed position from around 10.30, and it should be fully open again by 16.00.

This will be the 187th closure to protect #London from tidal flooding.
When the Barrier closes, we effectively create a half full reservoir between Teddington and Woolwich.

As the Thames gets much wider and deeper through #London, it doesn’t build up particularly quickly so no flood risk.

⚠️ As the #ThamesBarrier is closing this morning for a high tide, we are also operating the Barking Barrier today, protecting properties along the tidal section of the River Roding.

There may be further closures later this week.

Updates to follow when I’m back on duty tonight.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
⚠️ This deep low will create strong winds on Sunday, but also a storm surge, which will travel down the North Sea coast overnight and into Monday.

We're monitoring this carefully, and are putting plans in place to close the #ThamesBarrier on Monday morning if required.
For any licenced mudlarks on the #Thames, there's a particularly low low tide tomorrow, as #StormCiara is effectively sucking the sea water away from us, with a negative surge of around a metre.

L/W at North Woolwich - 09.30
L/W at @TowerBridge - 10.30

But be very careful!
An unusually low low tide at the #ThamesBarrier this morning. #StormCaira is effectively sucking water away from the #Thames Estuary today.

But we’ll have to see the consequences tomorrow, with a very high tide forecast.

We’re making plans to close the Barrier should we need to
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