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Apr 24th 2019
1/13 How did #GypsyRoseBlanchard happen? It’s Missouri. That’s how. A resident since 1997, I claim MO is a virtual Petri dish of the issues facing the USA. So, how did this happen...
#TheAct #TheActOnHulu #MommyDeadAndDearest
(1 of 13 unroll)
/2 Southern Missouri is composed largely of evangelicals. Some quite powerful within govt. Look how wealthy Springfield Christians exploited this disabled child to score their own afterlife points. #GypsyRoseBlanchard
/3 Dr. F was right & wrong. The Christians & hospital beuracrats would’ve burned him at the stake had he pursued Dee Dee, they’re in on the Jesus charade, nets big bucks here. In MO, we only have “Churchpitals”
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