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May 7th 2023
Just Watched #TheKerelaStory
Out of plex.. My 👇🏼
It is undoubtedly the boldest movie India ever produced
What amazed me most is the clarity n unapologetic approach it carries through out
the root cause the theological aspect of Islam is the focus here (1/n… Image
There is a scene where protagonist asks "jab Sharia law bana tha tab toh mobile nhi tha phir ladies ko mobile rakhna mana kaise...? "
Then she a pregnant lady is r@%ped
the r@%pist, her husband justifies it by quoting certain law
(2/ Image
Chopping hands for lipstick, ruthless killings,sex slavery.. every thing it shows is not just limited to visuals only
the movie doesn't shy away from discussing the theological aspects.Unfulfilled dreams of Aalamgeer Aurangzeb the nexus and global agenda, Sharia law,J!h@d..(3/ Image
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May 6th 2023
The Kerala Story: A review #TheKeralaStoryReview #TheKeralaStory

Long thread
It tells the story of three girls brainwashed in various ways by Muslims to be used for terrorism in Syria. If a girl was too intelligent, she was drugged. They preached to her if she was gullible. Image
If she was too stubborn, they drugged her, had sex with her, and photographed her to blackmail them. Drugs were their mainstay to convince them that their actions were entirely justified. Muslims were compensated handsomely with oil money and ample sex thrown in the process.
It is shot intelligently with admirable clarity & unflinching focus, with no silly songs & dream sequences. Makers truthfully displayed everything which happens when you are caught in their jaws. You can escape from a crocodile's mouth but not theirs. It is the main takeaway.
Read 21 tweets

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