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May 6th 2022
2 cents on #PodcastWithIK: @junaidakram83 & @hoflolz were either shit scared of @ImranKhanPTI or were in awe. Had no hard-hitting questions, kept on building context in his favor before asking a qs & ZERO rebuttals. @talhaahad was keeping IK in check. Kudos to him! (1/n) ๐Ÿงต
@ImranKhanPTI is drumming old beats that will swoon #Youthias & #Imrandos only. Anyone w/ little wisdom knows @ImranKhanPTI builds towers of promises & then eventually falls from it. Give him 2/3rd majority & bet he will find a new scapegoat to carry burden of his failures. (2/n)
#TheMissingQuestions: no questions on #MasjideNabawi incident, #FarahGogi, #Toshakhana, growing polarization in ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ, seeds of hatred he sowed, collusion w/ establishment, economic failures & poor governance. Agar massage hee karna tha, to parlor le jaatey, podcast kyun? (3/n)
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