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Aug 22nd 2022
Welcome to FALL 2022, on Tuesday, 8/23, 10:30am, I'll be starting an overview to our online class, a practice run to see what this Twitter is all about.

What are you most interested in learning about?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #CRJ107 #CRJ201
Good morning to my brand new e-students! If you're free, join me today, right now, here in this thread, for a brief introduction to our online classroom.


I'm ready to answer your questions

#CRJ105 #CRJ107 #CRJ201
Welcome to my online #CRJ105 #CRJ107 & #CRJ201 students. I will be posting this brief "Welcome" thread to online learning.

Feel free to follow along & let me know what questions you might have @morainevalley Image
Read 49 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
Welcome to my online #CRJ105 #CRJ107 & #CRJ201 students. I will be posting a brief "Welcome" thread to online learning.

Feel free to follow along & let me know what questions you might have @morainevalley
Good afternoon, friends! Welcome to Fall 2021, I'll be starting an overview to the syllabus & intro to online classes.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?

#MoraineValley #ProfessorFurlowWhiteBoards
Let's get started! This is our #HappySyllabusDay overview of your upcoming online Criminal Justice courses with me.

The goal is to give you a sense of how I use Twitter to encourage our online class to be interactive. Are you ...

Read 37 tweets

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