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Mar 4th 2022
Hello, @Alex_Graham01 #OleJacobSunde @ojsunde (correct handle?), @NilsPratley @emilybell @ca_howarth @DavidOlusoga @stuartprofitt (correct handle??) @Vivan (Schiller), @mryderqc @MASieghart @KathViner @soniasodha @arusbridger
it’s little me again, about
As Alan already knows I am of the persistent, vocal type. I must say I am increasingly disappointed by not having heard back from any of you or @guardian (to be fair I haven’t checked its full electronic pages that carefully in last week because of what’s happening elsewhere).
.@BriHReed @HamzaMSyed reported they both found doors literally closing on them when they knocked regarding #TheTrojanHorseAffair . Could it be that I’m experiencing the same? But why?? I don’t think any of you are of the easily embarrassed type and I can see from your bios…
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