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Jan 13th 2023
The 1951 elections: How Awolowo forced Azikiwe out of western Nigeria and Yoruba's became a betrayal and tribalist.

The events of 1951, which some scholars consider the official birth year of ‘ethnic politics’ in Nigeria. That year, the country got a new constitution, known as the Macpherson Constitution, which was historic in providing for the first Nigerian general election.
It also vastly increased the powers of the three regional assemblies – western, eastern and northern – thus significantly upping the political stakes for the likes of Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Ahmadu Bello.
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Aug 8th 2022

Estimates of the Yoruba in Benin vary from around 1.1 to 1.5 million people. The chief Yoruba cities or towns in Benin are: Porto-Novo (Ajase), Ouèssè (Wese), Ketu, Savé (Tchabe), Tchaourou (Shaworo), Bantè-Akpassi, Bassila, Ouinhi, Adjarra,
Adja-Ouèrè (Aja Were), Sakété (Itakete), Ifangni (Ifonyi), Pobè, Dassa (Idasha), Glazoue (Gbomina), Ipinle, Aledjo-Koura etc.

In Togo
Estimates of the Yoruba in Togo vary from around 500,000 to 600,000 people. There are both immigrant Yoruba communities from Nigeria,
and indigenous ancestral Yoruba communities living in Togo. Footballer Emmanuel Adebayor is an example of a Togolese from an immigrant Yoruba background. Indigenous Yoruba communities in Togo, however can be found in the Togolese departments of Plateaux Region, Anie, Ogou
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Aug 4th 2022
Obatala's power is described by Ifa as one of the many spiritual forces of nature that are called "Orişas". The word "Orisa" means "Select Head". In a cultural context, Orişa is a reference to the various Forces of Nature that guide consciousness. According to Ifa, everything...
in nature has some form of consciousness called "Ori". The Ori of all animals, plants and humans are believed to be guided by a specific force of nature (Orişa), which defines the quality of a specific form of consciousness. There are a large number of Orisa, and each Orisa has
its own awo (mystery). The unique function of Obatala within the realm of Orişa awo (Mysteries of Nature) is to produce the spark of light that animates consciousness. To call a Orişa "Head of The White Cloth" is to make a symbolic reference to that substance that make...
Read 6 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
Since 1914 the British government has been trying to make Nigeria into one country but the Nigerian
people themselves are historically different in their background, religious belief and customs and do not
show themselves any sign or willingness to unite.
“Nigeria unity is only a British invention”. (Tafawa
Balewa Nigeria's first prime minister says in 1948)
“The North would have preferred a separate political future, instead of being yoked with the South in
what the Sardauna termed as the mistake of 1914”.
Then, the north, displeased with the amalgamation,
threatened to secede from the union.
(A speech given in the Nigerian parliament by Sir Ahmadu Bello in 1952 was titled The Mistake of

“Nigeria is not a nation; it is a mere geographic expression. There are no
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Aug 4th 2022
Nigeria is a single country by accident. There are considerable social and political differences among
the numerous ethnic and tribal groups. They do not speak the same language and have completely
different cultures and lifestyles. They reflect a variety of cultural periods.
Nigerian leaders were well aware of these divisions, but they chose to fight for Nigeria's independence
as a unified front despite them. Even while the struggle for independence raged on, the schisms that they
and the British colonialists perceived were obvious.
Even when it is
obvious that this union will not yield positive results but they went on agitating for one
Nigeria while the caliphate who already conquered the Hausas are not interested in the union for fear of
being dominated.
"Unless the Northern area is granted 50% of the seats in the
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Aug 3rd 2022

Today, southern leaders and youths are clamoring for restructuring, true federalism, or confederation because they have been marginalized, caged, subdued and relegated by the caliphate.
This is because any restructuring that protects the autonomy and interests of non-Caliphate Nigerians
will be unacceptable to a caliphate in power in Nigeria, and will be resisted by it. The Caliphate has
complete control over Abuja's administration.
Moreover, restructuring is still not in their permanent interest, as was announced long ago by the
Mal. Abubakar Malami, Attorney General of the federation and Minister of Justice, now condemns the southerners leaders for demanding such a thing simply because
Read 9 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
We can as well start from the beginning, how we were before amalgamation cause that's how it was meant to be. The GenZ's generation it is important you know your history.
What really happened??
As early as 1898, the British considered combining the then three protectorates to reduce the administrative burden on the British and allow the rich South to effectively subsidize the much less economically prosperous north.
Northern Protectorate (Nigeria) had been running on a BUDGET DEFICIT for 10 years. Two Separate Countries Are Created in 1900
PROTECTORATE OF NORTHERN NIGERIA and the PROTECTORATE OF SOUTHERN NIGERIA. The Two countries were governed separately for 14 Years.
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Aug 2nd 2022
The structure of Yoruba nation was a federation of city states. Each city was ruled by an Oba. In ancient times, the Oba was never seen by his subjects, so he became the invincible nucleus of the circle that formed the city. He was surrounded...
by a female council of elders called Odu and a predominantly male council of elders called Ogboni.The city itself was supported by male and female work parties who tended to divide their labour along gender lines.The men traditionally were farmers and the women
traditionally controlled the market place. Both men and women participated in the crafts guild that preserved the techniques used in the arts. The cities were built in a circular formation with the compound of the Oba at the centre.
There is some archaeological evidence Image
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May 12th 2022
Yoruba caps (Fila wa).
A yoruba man's native attire be it agbada, buba and sokoto is not complete without matching fila (cap). These are a few of our caps.
1) ABETI AJA(like a dog's ear): common among both old and young and also drummers. Triangular with 2 edges like a dog's ear
GOBI: Most common among yoruba male caps. Can be tilted in different directions. If tilted right (wearer is single), left means married, forward means glorious future ahead, upward may indicate pride 🙂
Gobi-agbę(farmers), Gobi-ódę(hunters)are gobi with pouches
KUFI: This is a very simple cap worn by some yoruba men.
Our caps are either sewn or handmade from fabrics like aso-oke, damask, cotton and the rest. Just make sure they fit your head.
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