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Dec 9th 2021
#TodayICried, Day 3 of 7

Grady Wards

Me: "How are you feeling?"
You: "Terrible."
Me: "Terrible?"
You: "Terrible."
Me: "The medicines aren't taking the edge off?"
You: "It helped a little bit, but now I feel sick to my stomach. My bowels are loose, too."

Your voice is quiet and defeated. This is different. . . and it scares me.

Me: "We put you back on what you were getting at home and--"
You: "I know that. Soon as you said that yesterday I started. But now all I feel is sick and queasy in the stomach."

Me: "I'm sorry. . . what do you mean by 'as soon as I said that?'”
You: "What?"
Me: "The medicines. You said you started as soon as I said something? That part confused me. Just wanted to get clear."

You reach under the bed and pull out a plastic Kroger bag full of pills.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
#TodayICried, Day 2 of 7

Grady Wards, 2019

I was visiting with one of my patients in a room that held two patients. Another doctor was on the other side of the curtain making morning rounds on one of his patients, too.

Mmm hmmm. Image
An exchange between a Grady elder and that other doctor was within earshot—and loud enough—for me to hear.

Him: "Did you have a good night?"
Her: "Mmmm hmmm."
Him: "How was breakfast? Were you able to keep it down?"
Her: “Mmmm hmmm.”
Him: "And tell me . . . did you--"
Her: "Scuse me, doctor. But can you just go on and examine me and stop asking so many questions?"
Him: *chuckling* "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were asleep."
Read 8 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
#TodayICried, Day 1 of 7

My mother does this thing when having her photo taken. She erupts into laughter and does so repeatedly with each snap. It's her way of getting to a natural smile--even if it's through an unnatural chuckle.

It's so awkward. And adorable.

And her.
And so. This little thing that my mom does floated into my mind as I spoke to you on this day. A fleeting thought but one I paused to savor.


Your mother passed away a few months ago. And yes, she'd been ill. But still. She was your mom.

Your mom.
You'd asked me about the holidays. What my family planned to do and such. And I told you. Then I boomeranged the query straight back at you.

Then I remembered.

Me: "Oh wait. This is the first Christmas?"

Your shoulders curled inward and you gave a tiny nod.

Me: "Damn."
Read 11 tweets

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